A hand against a window

Katie is 17 and is doing a full-time NVQ Level 1 on Cwmbran Centre for Young People’s traineeship programme. She writes about the challenges she has faced and shares some advice on overcoming them. 

“My experience has been challenging. At the start I felt like I was isolated and lonely like I had no one to talk to. I was struggling not being able to see my friends or go do my normal day to day routine like going to Cwmbran Centre for Young People (CCYP) and Ashley House.

“They were the main places I would go in my days and some evenings having a routine was good for me because it kept me busy and I was doing something I enjoy doing. But with this lockdown I haven’t been able to do that so it’s been hard because both CCYP and Ashley house are like my safe place where I can relax and have fun.

“It’s my comfort zone where I can be myself and have fun and learn at the same time.

“Whilst in lockdown CCYP have been sending work for me to do. We also do Zoom meetings and that has helped me get through lockdown more as I can focus on my work and take my mind off other things. It’s the same with the Zoom meetings, I enjoy them as I can see the other trainees and staff members. 

“To be able to see and talk to them is good, to have a connection over video call is amazing because having a chat with your friends is healthy especially at times like this.

‘I feel happier and less isolated because we can see friends two metres apart. It’s been lovely being able to go see my best friend and just to be able to have a laugh and a catch-up. I’m feeling a bit more positive than I was at the beginning because I know we won’t be in lockdown much longer now and we’ll be back to our normal routines and I hope it will be sooner than we think.

“The days I feel down I tell myself that it won’t be like this forever and I chat to someone I trust and that’s the best thing you can do or go for a walk and get some fresh air.

“The one thing I have learnt from being in lockdown is always live life to the fullest because you don’t know when it will be your last and always be kind to people and look out for people and the most important thing is look after yourself.”

Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

Community Voices

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