
“You never know what you’re going to find under your trowel”- A volunteer  on today’s dig 🙂

When was the last time you walked along the canal from Two Locks towards Newport? There is a lot of good stuff going on in this area. A Heritage Lottery Fund project has kicked off and will see the lock gates restored.

For the last three days a  gang of enthusiastic volunteers have been involved in an archaeological dig linked to this project to investigate the historical importance of the canal. I went along to shoot this video and find out more.

The Ancient Cwmbran Society is posting regularly on its website and has shared great photos of the work. They got a digger in to clear out what they believe is a saw pit that was used to make five metre long lock gates. I  chatted to few of the team and it’s pretty amazing to hear about the engineering skills that were used to build the canal.


Pesky 21st century technology caused a problem with the video. My hand was covering the iPad microphone in the last clip with Ashleigh Taylor so I had to cut it short. She spoke passionately about the volunteers who have been involved and the Ancient Cwmbran Society.

As Summer is here pop some sarnies and squash in your backpack and take a stroll along the canal and enjoy what we have in Cwmbran.


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