Use your vote on 22 May 2014
Use your vote on 22 May 2014
Use your vote on 22 May 2014
Use your vote on 22 May 2014

Polls will be open on Thursday 22 May for the elections to the European Parliament.  A hustings is being held next week just a 20 minutes’ drive from Cwmbran in Crosskeys.

Jobs? The economy? Immigration? What issues are important to you? 

You can go along and listen to current and prospective candidates for the five main parties who will be chasing your vote. Adrian Masters, the political editor of ITV Wales, will chair the event at the Crosskeys Campus of Coleg Gwent on Wednesday 7 May 2014

“Come along to the IWA Gwent branch hustings, held in association with Crosskeys Politics Society, Coleg Gwent and Welsh Political Lecturers and Teachers Society (WPLATS), to listen and question lead candidates from the five main parties fighting the election in Wales. The event is chaired by Adrian Masters, Political Editor, ITV Cymru Wales and features Alec Dauncey, Liberal Democrats, PEPC Wales; Jill Evans MEP, Plaid Cymru; David Rowlands, UKIP, PEPC Wales; Dr Kay Swinburne MEP, Conservative Party, Wales; Derek Vaughan MEP, Labour Party, Wales.”

Guide to the European Elections

Read this useful BBC guide to the European Elections.

Programme for the 7 May event

6.30pm Refreshments

6.55pm Welcome from IWA Gwent Branch Chair, Rob Southall

7pm Hustings: 5 minute address by each candidate

7.30pm European Question Time Chaired by Adrian Masters

8.30pm Close

How to get book your free seat

Please email [email protected] for information or visit the Eventbrite webpage at to book your place.

Attendance is free but space is limited, so early booking is essential.

Institute of Welsh Affairs

The Institute of Welsh Affairs is an independent, membership-based think tank, dedicated to promoting the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales. It owes no allegiance to any political or economic interest group. Its only interest is in seeing Wales flourish as a country in which to work and live. It believes that can be done only by the effective mobilisation of all Wales’s intellectual resources.

 Cross Keys campus of Coleg Gwent

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