One Stop is continuing to submit planning applications for the former Pontneydd Inn despite being refused permission last month to have delivery rules to the site changed.
The Tesco-owned national chain wants to open in Commercial Street but is unhappy about the rules in place over the size of delivery vehicles to stock the store and where and when they can unload.

In November the store was given permission to sell alcohol. This week it was given permission for the “installation of plant along the side elevation, screened by timber fencing, new entrance doors and fascia signage zones to the front elevation.”
The application included a noise impact assessment that looked at noise created from the new plant proposed at the store. It said: “The area is dominated by noise from local and distant traffic. Up to around 23.00 there is also noise from takeaways customers and other users of the car park.
“Based on an assumption of all equipment running on full load throughout the night, the predicted noise from the external mechanical plant in the proposed position is likely to require some minor mitigation in the form of a basic acoustic fence.”
In January after planning permission was refused to change the delivery One Stop told Cwmbran Life: “We are disappointed in the decision and are currently reviewing our options. We remain keen to bring this site to life as it has been empty for many years. We hope to find a delivery solution so we can bring our community-based convenience offer to the local population.”
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