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Henllys Community Council to fund three speed indicator devices to improve safety of Cwmbran road

Councillors at Henllys Community Council made the decision this evening to buy and install three speed indicator devices.

The meeting was attended by Cllr Valerie Waters, Cllr Brenda Everett and Cllr Lawrence Smith-Higgins. They met at Henllys Village Hall where they approved a quote of £11,496 (plus VAT).

The devices alert drivers if they are travelling above the legal 30mph speed limit by flashing red and showing their speed.

The councillors want them to be installed at locations along Henllys Way where residents have reported problems with speeding carss. Adrian Isaacs, clerk to Henllys Community Council, explained that he had been out on site and there were some original locations that weren’t suitable as there were bus stops where stationary vehicles would “block” the devices. They agreed on these locations:

  • ‘Up the hilll’ near Llys Gwyrdd
  • Near the entrance to Pensarn Way just as you come out of the Bettws lanes
  • On the stretch near Henllys Church in Wales School

Cllr Everett she was in a car heading up Henllys Way from the roundabout by the White Hut community centre and a speeding car “nearly took us off the road.” Cllr Waters said she found the devices “very useful.”

Cllr Lawrence said they would “address concerns by residents along that road.”

All three councillors approved the decision. 

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Henllys Community Council to fund three speed indicator devices to improve safety of Cwmbran road

henllys village hall
Henllys Village Hall (Photo: Cwmbran Life)