Andrew Simmonds
Andrew Simmonds was asked to answer this question- You should vote for me in the Coed Eva (Cwmbran Community Council) election because– and this is his answer.
My name is Andrew Simmonds and I’ve lived in Cwmbran my whole life, in Coed Eva for 15 years. I am very pleased to announce I have put myself forward to be your Independent candidate tor the coed Eva area in the upcoming Local elections on the 5th of may 2022.
First and foremost, I am a family man. I am hard working, reliable, tentative and dependable. I’m a firm believer that actions speak louder than words and I’ve witnessed too many years of local representatives not carrying out their campaign promises. I’m a man of my word, if I say I will get something resolved, I will carry the task out to the best of my ability 100% of the time.
I want to make our community a better and safer place to live, paying particular attention to the needs and requirements of the young and old. I want the best for our children as I believe they are the future and at the moment, their needs are hugely under represented. For a better future we must act now. Invest in the young, take very good care of the old and protect the workers.
It is the people who are important and I believe that our communities need someone that is not afraid to stand up for them. Someone who is prepared to fight in your corner and who is not constrained by party rules. Many people have become disillusioned with the current state of party politics and I want to ensure there is an alternative
to party politics through the election of independent candidates to the council.
• No council tax increase.
• Affordable business rates and renewable energy for small businesses.
• Resolve parking problems, prevent fly tipping and clean up our streets.
• Rebuild our parks and other places for children to play in a safe environment.
• Education to ensure child led learning and robust teacher training, along with special needs education to support carers of children during the pathway to diagnosis
Click here to read links to a full list of all the candidates standing in the Cwmbran Community Council elections on Thursday 5 May 2022.